Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Inspiration and Passion...

There is something inside each of us that drives us to persue our dreams, visions and desires. I suppose some have not been able to follow their passions because of work, family or a hat full of other responsiblities and duties. I reached the point that I can't push it off any more over a year ago and I'm so glad I decided to follow my dreams!
I have a ways to go but I am closer to achieving my visions than I was two years ago and will continue to move forward. There is no better feeling than being behind the camera capturing and creating memories that will last generations. The satisfaction of knowing that there is purpose and enjoyment to each print.

If you enjoy music, play as if you are pouring out your soul for all to hear!
If dance is what your heart desires, move your feet, sway your body, allow your passion to flow through you for the world see and feel!
If adrenaline pulls you to your next adventure, jump in both feet!

I will be out there with my camera looking for the next moment to capture, to share your story, to imprint in time what pulls you to your destinations! The world is full of opportunities, we have but to act and make our own adventures and persue our passions. It may take some extra effort and time but it is so worth it!
Always accept a helping hand, a step up, advice anyone is willing to share with you and when the chance comes along, share what you learn with someone else to push them along!

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